PISAgro's second General Meeting for 2015

The Partnership for Indonesia’s Sustainable Agriculture (PISAgro) held its second General Meeting this year on October 28th, 2015 in Jakarta. Hosted by Bayer CropScience, the meeting gathered together participants from government, private sector, NGOs, international development organizations, and other various stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

Eric Tesson, Country Division Head, Bayer CropScience opened the meeting and welcomed members and guests. Rashid Aleem Qureshi, Co-Chairman of PISAgro, continued by giving opening remarks. He emphazied that in scaling up its projects, PISAgro needs to work together with the Minsitry of Agriculture.

PISAgro was also privileged to have Bapak Dr. Ir. Kasdi Subagyono, M.Sc, Head of the Planning Bureau, Secretariat General, Ministry of Agriculture presented about the Ministry of Agriculture’s plan on Regional Based Agriculture Development Program in the meeting.

The participants discussed and shared opinions on how to scale up the existing projects as well as monitoring and evaluation of PISAgro’s projects in thematic breakout sessions. Manfred Borer, Country Director Indonesia, Swisscontact and Jim Tomecko, Senior Advisor AIP-Rural led the ‘Scale Up’ session while the ‘Monitoring & Evaluation’ session was led by Alison Eskesen, Director Knowledge and Accountability, Grow Asia.

Before the breakout sessions, the participants also had the opportunity to visit the ‘booth’ of PISAgro’s 11 working groups that has been prepared by each working group prior to the meeting. They discussed about the model of each working group, progress, hurdles, etc. The meeting was full of energy.

With the closing remaks of Franky Welirang, PISAgro’s Secretary General, the General Meeting adjourned.